From Academia: Machine Learning in 3D Printing and Bioprinting

In this week’s issue of “From Academia”, we share with you three articles focusing on the current state of machine learning in 3D printing and bioprinting, tissue engineering. Machine learning and artificial intelligence could become the foundation of the next generation of 3D printing and tissue engineering. First article explores the use of machine learning algoritms to determine printing parameter combinations that will produce high-quality printing outcomes. The second article puts emphasis on the use of machine learning to aid 3D printing technologies, its applications, potential, and challenges. The third article focuses more on the use of deep learning, a branch of machine learning, which utilizes ‘neural networks’ to encode high-level features from input data related to 3D printing.

From Academia” features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications. Subjects include but not limited to healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

Email: Rance Tino ( if you want to share relevant academic publications with us.

A review on machine learning in 3D printing: applications, potential, and challenges

Authored by G. D. Goh, S. L. Sing & W. Y. Yeong. Artificial Intelligence Review. 16 July 2020

Machine Learning-Guided Three-Dimensional Printing of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

Authored by Anja Conev, Eleni E. Litsa, Marissa R. Perez, Mani Diba, Antonios G. Mikos, and Lydia E. Kavraki. Tissue Engineering Part A. 15 October 2020

Deep learning for fabrication and maturation of 3D bioprinted tissues and organs

Authored by Wei Long Ng, Alvin Chan, Yew Soon Ong & Chee Kai Chua. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 16 May 2020

From Academia: 3D Printing for Neurosurgery Training, Vat Photopolymerization, soft robotic microsystem

From Academia: 3D Printing Organoid, Bioelectronic Implant, Tensegrity Structures

From Academia: Open-Source 3D printed Medical Devices and New Sensor for COVID

From Academia: Tweaking Bioinks Palette, One-Drop 3D Printing

From Academia: Nanoclay Bioink, Machine Learning, Hydrogel Design Strategies for 3D Bioprinting

From Academia: 3D Printed PPE Safety, A Better hydrogel, Cadaver Replacement

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