From Academia: 3D Printed Pills, 4D Printed Structure, and how to properly 3D print Chocolate

In today’s issue of “From Academia”, we explore different Material Extrusion (MEX) techniques to fabricate tablets, lattices, shape memory polymers, and chocolates (Yes, chocolates!). The first article demonstrates a novel preparation technique where filaments were soaked with drugs prior to filament extrusion of tablets. The second and third articles explore the world of 4D Printing with shape memory polymers and shape-shifting lattice structures. Lastly, we are delighted to share an article where researchers demonstrate chocolate-based ink 3D printing (Ci3DP) to fabricate chocolate-based 3D models.

From Academia” features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications. Subjects include but not limited to healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

Email: Rance Tino ( if you want to share relevant academic publications with us.

Drug Incorporation into Polymer Filament Using Simple Soaking Method for Tablet Preparation Using Fused Deposition Modeling

Authored by Tasuaki Tagami, Eriko Kuwata, Norihito Sakai, Tetsuya Ozeki. Japan Science and technology Agency. October 1 2019

Shape-shifting structured lattices via multimaterial 4D printing.

Authored by J. William Boley, Wim m. Van Rees, Charles Lissandrello, Mark N. Horenstein, Ryan L. Truby, Arda Kotikian, Jennifer A. Lewis, and L. Mahadevan. PNAS. October 15 2019

Dynamic imine bonds based shape memory polymers with permanent shape reconfigurability for 4D printing

Authored by Jia-Tao Miao, Meiying Ge, Shuqiang Peng, Jie Zhong, Yuewei Li, Zixiang Weng, Lixin Wu, and Longhui Zheng. ACS Applied Material Interfaces. October 2 2019

Chocolate-based Ink Three-dimensional Printing (Ci3DP)

Authored by Rahul Karyapa and Michiniao Hashimoto. Nature Scienctific Reports. October 2 2019

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Interview with Prof. Huang Dejian: Kosmodehealth

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