In this week’s “From Academia”, we share with you three articles related to eating and food using 3D printing. The first article is an overview on 3D printing food and related applications. The second article focuses more specifically how to incorporate specific nutrient into foods using 3D printing. The final article uses 3D printed soft biomimetic surface that replicates the topography and wettability of a real human tongue to investigate how we interact with foods.
“From Academia” features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications. Subjects include but not limited to healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.
Email: Rance Tino ( if you want to share relevant academic publications with us.
3D printing food materials: A state of art review and future applications
Authored by Piyush, Raman Kumar, Ranvijay Kumar. Materials today: Proceedings. 24 Februrary 2020
Printability and Physicochemical Properties of Microalgae-Enriched 3D-Printed Snacks
Authored by Zaida Natalia Uribe-Wandurraga, Lu Zhang, Martijn W. J. Noort, Maarten A. I. Schutyser, Purificación García-Segovia & Javier Martínez-Monzó. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 18 October 2020
3D Biomimetic Tongue-Emulating Surfaces for Tribological Applications
Authored by Efren Andablo-Reyes, Michael Bryant, Anne Neville, Paul Hyde, Rik Sarkar, Mathew Francis, and Anwesha Sarkar, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 26 October 2020
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