Post Processing for Healthcare 3D Printing

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One of the biggest challenges in 3D printing adaption, in healthcare or not, is that a 3D-printed object is often not ready to be used immediately after production. This often unspoken reality among additive manufacturing evangelists is drawing more attention as the technology recruits more new users, who are often shocked and frustrated with the real cost of adoption. In this webinar, we invite world-class industry veterans to detail the challenges as well as solutions specific to an audience interested in using 3D printing in healthcare and life sciences.



Craig Rosenblum

Craig Rosenblum is the Vice President & General Manager of Himed. Over 30 years of operation, Himed has become a global leader in calcium phosphate-based biomaterial production and has developed proprietary plasma spray coatings and surface treatments. Craig and his team collaborate directly with dental and medical device manufacturers around the world to provide innovative biomaterial solutions. Craig discovered a unique application for MATRIX MCD® post-processing additively manufactured titanium implantable devices using Himed’s proprietary and biocompatible resorbable blast media. Craig received his B.S. and M.S. degree in Materials Science & Engineering with a Biomaterials concentration from Johns Hopkins University. With a focus in biomaterials characterization, his groundbreaking research explored the variations in the microstructure and mechanical properties of dental enamel. These studies were the first to demonstrate the unique heterogeneous nature of enamel. Craig currently serves on The Johns Hopkins University Materials Science & Engineering Advisory Board.

Lluis Gil-Vernet Mas

Chief Customer Officer at GPAINNOVA

•BA in Aerospace Vehicle Engineering from the Polytechnic
University of Catalonia (ESEIAAT School)
•Master in Advanced Science and Technology of Materials
from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (EEBE School)
•Student of Business Administration and Management at the Open
University of Catalonia (UOC)
As an aeronautical engineer specializing in material science and business management, Laia based her experience in a startup in the industrial sector. She managed to develop herself in various professional fields, carrying out highly demanding and committed challenges that have helped the growth and stabilization of the company.



Laia Fontelles

Chief Customer Service at GPAINNOVA

BA in Aerospace Vehicle Engineering from the Polytechnic
University of Catalonia (ESEIAAT School)

Master in Advanced Science and Technology of Materials
from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (EEBE School)

Student of Business Administration and Management at the Open
University of Catalonia (UOC)

As an aeronautical engineer specializing in material science and business management, Laia based her experience in a startup in the industrial sector. She managed to develop herself in various professional fields, carrying out highly demanding and committed challenges that have helped the growth and stabilization of the company.


Snehashis Pal

Snehashis is a researcher at the University of Maribor in Slovenia. He is also founder and Managing Director of GAFI, an Indian educational hub that encourages young researchers to pursue cutting-edge research. He is president of the 8th International Conference on Additive Technologies (iCAT 2023), which will be held in Maribor, Slovenia. He has eight years of research experience in additive manufacturing of metals and tailoring their properties for biomedical applications, having collaborated with India, Slovenia, Slovakia, Kosovo, Portugal and the United Kingdom. During his PhD studies, he was awarded the “Best Young Scientist Award” and “The Best Paper” at different international conferences.



Dr. Pásztor Zsolt

Zsolt Pásztor

Zsolt is Co-founder and Managing Director of PREMET, a Hungarian MedTech company focusing on the production of medical devices, including patient specific implants, by additive manufacturing. The company puts a high emphasis on the continuous development of all elements of the production workflow – titanium 3D printing, thermal and surface treatment – and has been involved in several international R&D projects. Zsolt plays an important role in the management of the developments, and focuses especially on the improvement of the printing procedure and the different type of surface treatments. He is a Community Manager at 3DHEALS, co-founder and Vice-President of the Hungarian Additive Technology Association, and Leader of the “3D Printing in the Health Sector” working group of MediKlaszter, an accredited MedTech cluster. He was the Lead Expert of a recent Transnational Cooperation Project, aiming at collecting and disseminating best practices in the field of 3D Printing in the Health Sector in Central Europe.


Dr. Jenny Chen

jenny chen

Dr. Jenny Chen is trained as a neuroradiologist, and founder/CEO of 3DHEALS. Her main interests include next-generation education, 3D printing in the healthcare sector, automated biology, and artificial intelligence. She is an angel investor who invests in Pitch3D companies.


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