Low-cost Bioprinting of Microfluidics, Scaffolds and Biofilms

Designing low-cost and viable vasculatures and scaffolds are essential to the successfull upscale biofabrication of organs and medical devices in the future. In this week’s “From Academia”, we list three articles that explore #biofabrication #bioprinting techniques that may address current cost limitations. The first articles demonstrates a novel and inexpensive design of lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device consisting of channels fabricated via material extrusion 3D printing and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic casting process. The second articles explores the development of a low-cost and tunable bioink for the material extrusion of vasculatures and scaffolds. The last article explores the use of Projection Microstereolithographic, to design and fabricate engineered biofilms for the study of microbes.

From Academia” features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications. Subjects include but not limited to healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

Email: Rance Tino (info@3dheals.com) if you want to share relevant academic publications with us.

Negligible-cost microfluidic device fabrication using 3D-printed interconnecting channel scaffolds

Authored by Harry Felton, Robert Hughes, Andrea Diaz-Gaxiola. PLOS ONE. February 3 2021

Engineering a Chemically Defined Hydrogel Bioink for Direct Bioprinting of Microvasculature

Authored by Ryan W. Barrs, Jia Jia, Michael Ward, Dylan J. Richards, Hai Yao, Michael J. Yost, and Ying Mei. Biomacromolecules. December 17 2020

Projection Microstereolithographic Microbial Bioprinting for Engineered Biofilms

Authored by Karen Dubbin, Ziye Dong, Dan M. Park, Javier Alvarado, Jimmy Su, Elisa Wasson, Claire Robertson, Julie Jackson, Arpita Bose, Monica L. Moya, Yongqin Jiao, and William F. Hynes. ACS Nano letters. January 28 2021

Automated Bioprinting

3D Printed Drug Delivering Medical Devices

3D Printing Ceramic Implants

3D Bioprinting Knee, Aneurysm Model, 3D Organization Using Microfluidics

3D Printing Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery Devices

3D Bioprinting The Heart & Cardiovascular System

3DHEALS Guides (Collective) – This is where we dive deep into subjects that you will find helpful for your projects and career.

3DEALS Expert Corner (Collective) – This is where we invite field experts to write their perspectives in a first-person narrative. To write for this column, please email: info@3dheals.com

3DHEALS From Academia (Collective) – This section features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications in the space of healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

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