3D Printing of Microneedles for Drug Delivery, Microfluidics, Porous Tantalum

In this issue of “From Academia”, we include three recent publications introducing innovative ways to deliver drugs. In the first article, the researchers demonstrated 3DMNMEMS, a novel device that combines 3D printing, microneedles (MNs), and Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS). This device allows for versatile and controllable transdermal drug delivery, for example, the delivery of insulin. In the second article, the authors presented a one-step fabrication process of a microfluidic chip for drug dissolution assays based on 3D printing technology. The authors suggest that this method could be a reliable tool for drug release assays during the early research stages. The final publication is a review article focusing on past publications discussing the current applications of 3D-printed porous tantalum (3D-P-p-Ta), a novel drug delivery strategy, in drug delivery systems to repair hard tissue defects, as well as the limitations of existing data and potential future research directions.

From Academia” features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications. Subjects include but not limited to healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

Email: Rance Tino (info@3dheals.com) if you want to share relevant academic publications with us.

A novel 3D printed hollow microneedle microelectromechanical system for controlled, personalized transdermal drug delivery

Authored by Sophia N. Economidou, Jasim Uddin, Manual J. Marques, Dennis Douroumis, Wan Ting Sow, Huaqiong Li, Andrew Reid, James F.C. Windmill, Adrian Podoleanu. Additive Manufacturing. February 2021

3D Printed Microfluidic Devices for Drug Release Assays

Authored by Benzion Amoyav, Yoal Goldstein, Eliana Steinberg, Ofra Benny. MDPI Pharmaceutics. 19 December 2020

3D-printed porous tantalum: recent application in various drug delivery systems to repair hard tissue defects

Authored by Long Hua,Ting Lei,Hu Qian,Yu Zhang,Yihe Hu &Pengfei Lei. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. November 2020

3D Printed Drug Delivery

3D Printed Drug Delivering Medical Devices

3D Printing Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery Devices

3D Printing In Orthopedics: Implants, Drug Delivery, Bone Regeneration

3D Bioprinting and Biologics: A Look at Patent and FDA Market Exclusivity Strategies

3DHEALS Guides (Collective) – This is where we dive deep into subjects that you will find helpful for your projects and career.

3DEALS Expert Corner (Collective) – This is where we invite field experts to write their perspectives in a first-person narrative. To write for this column, please email: info@3dheals.com

3DHEALS From Academia (Collective) – This section features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications in the space of healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

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