In this issue of “From Academia”, we include three recent publications focusing on medical 3D printing for surgical planning, either using 3D printed anatomical models or surgical guides. The first is a review article focusing on cost/benefit analysis of using 3D printing in orthopedic and maxillofacial surgery, primarily in terms of operating room time saved. This is very relevant to our guide focusing on 3D printing in hospitals. The second study focuses on a case study using an innovative patient-specific instrument guide (PSIG) for the safe removal of a skull bone tumor. The final article introduces a 2-in-1 patient-specific 3D printed laminectomy surgical guide with integrated pedial screw drill guides.
“From Academia” features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications. Subjects include but not limited to healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.
Email: Rance Tino ( if you want to share relevant academic publications with us.
Medical 3D Printing Cost-Savings in Orthopedic and Maxillofacial Surgery: Cost Analysis of Operating Room Time Saved with 3D Printed Anatomic Models and Surgical Guides
Authored by David H. Ballard, Patrick Mills, Richard Duszak Jr., Jeffery A. Weisman, Frank J. Rybicki, Pamela K. Woodward. Academic Radiology. August 2020
Printing a patient-specific instrument guide for skull osteoma management
Authored by Tien-Hsiang Wang, Li-Ying Huang, Yu-Cheng Hung, Te-Han Wang, Wen-Chan, Fang-Yau Chiu, Shyh-Jen Wang, Wei-Ming Chen. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, October 2020
The Development of Novel 2-in-1 Patient-Specific, 3D-Printed Laminectomy Guides with Integrated Pedicle Screw Drill Guides
Authored by Andrew Kanawati, Renan Jose Rodrigues Fernandes, Aaron Gee, Jennifer Urquhart, Fawaz Siddiqi, Kevin Gurr, Christopher S. Baley, Parham Rasoulinejad. World Neurosurgery. February 1 2021
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