Interview: Samantha Lindsay, Boston



“Personally, I’d like to give it more of my time. Sometimes I wish it were my full-time job. But ultimately, I’d like to see it be a self-sustaining, inclusive community that brings together the brightest technical minds with the brightest creative minds and marketing minds to not only create something new but also to inform the greater Boston and global community on our message.”

Community: Boston

3DHEALS members can get in touch with: Samantha Lindsay here 

Jenny: Tell us, what is one quote that represents you?
Sam: “We haven’t located us yet.”  
Jenny: Tell us a little about yourself. (Where are you from originally? Where are you located? What are you working on?)
Sam: I’m originally from Carson City, NV and spent about 12 years in Reno. I’ve been living with my husband, Cory, in Providence, RI for the past seven years. I work at a software company – Dassault Systemes – where I’m a partner manager. I’ve been working here for about six and a half years. Currently, I’m working on earning an MBA which will be completed in April 2019.
Jenny: What made you decide to become a 3DHEALS community manager?
Sam: I ended up working closely with our additive manufacturing team at work to manage our first ever additive manufacturing symposium. It was held in Chicago in May of 2017. First, I loved working with the team. They were so excited about what they were working on and how Dassault Systemes was going to help push additive manufacturing into the mainstream from prototype part to production part. After this event was over I went back to my normal “day job” and the additive manufacturing team director tagged me in a LinkedIn post that Jenny had written looking for community managers. I messaged her on LinkedIn and had a phone call with her shortly thereafter. After our conversation, I was convinced I wanted to become a member of the organization in order to help cultivate the 3DHEALS community in Boston.
Jenny: If you have already organized a 3DHEALS event, what were your experiences like? (Photos?) Anything unexpected happened?
Sam: I’ve been a part of two 3DHEALS events now. The first one was back in July 2017. It was great working with Jenny as she already knew many people in Boston so she was able to get the speakers there. I worked with the law firm who was hosting us and worked on logistics for the event. On the day of the event, I got a chance to finally meet Jenny in person which, by the way, was probably one of the best parts because could she be any cooler? Then during the event, I realized that the caliber of people she had presenting was astounding. I knew right then I was where I needed to be. I was working with a community whose vision I loved and appreciated. These were (and are) the people that are going to change the face of healthcare.
The second event I organized was Pitch 3D. This was essentially Shark Tank for 3D printing in healthcare. Again, being around these types of people is inspiring. They made me realize that even if I’m not a doctor or engineer I can see be a part of the community simply by helping bring it together.
Jenny: What do you think of innovations in healthcare 3D printing or bioprinting? What do you hope to see in the next five years? 10 years?
Sam: I hope to see 3D printing and bioprinting as the go-to treatment in personalized medicine. I hope that it becomes the standard or norm for treatment and for guidance for physicians working on complicated cases.
Jenny: Most of our community managers are entrepreneurial and adventurous, what risks/adventures have you taken that you’d like to share with us? Any hopes or regrets?
Sam: I moved across the country to a place I’d never been without a job prospect just to try something different. I wanted to be out of Nevada before I turned 30. I got here about two weeks before my 30th birthday and I haven’t looked back. I’ve created a life for myself that I never thought was possible. I’ve gone into a field that I would never have dreamed of if I didn’t leave Nevada. I’ve become much more confident and independent as a result.
Jenny: Who would you like to find and to include in the 3DHEALS community you are building?
Sam: Personally, I’d like to give it more of my time. Sometimes I wish it were my full-time job. But ultimately, I’d like to see it be a self-sustaining, inclusive community that brings together the brightest technical minds with the brightest creative minds and marketing minds to not only create something new but also to inform the greater Boston and global community on our message.
Jenny: What would you like to accomplish with this new 3DHEALS community in the future?
Sam: Not sure – it seems the sky is the limit.
Jenny: What do you think about the innovation environment (for health tech or for general technology) in your city? What can be done to improve it?

Sam: For Boston – I think it’s got a very healthy innovative environment. It cultivates innovation and forward thinking. It’s got the brightest of the bright in the city. Something that could make it even better it to help make the city more affordable to live in, however, I highly doubt that will happen in my lifetime.
Jenny: What are you most proud of about your city?
Sam: I’m proud of the legacy and history of Boston. I’m proud that it’s a technology and scientific hub. I’m proud that it fosters business and inclusion.
Jenny: What do you think are the top priorities in healthcare innovations for your city/community?
Sam: Continuing to improve upon and learn from research and innovation. Creating partnerships between business and universities.
Jenny: What do you hope to accomplish through your role as the 3DHEALS community manager?
Sam: I hope to build a community that sustains itself that can be easily passed from one community manager to the next. I also hope to build my own professional network so that I can learn from everyone I get to meet.
Jenny: What do you do for fun?
Sam: I spend time with my husband doing things like traveling, going out and meeting new people in our community, CrossFit, walking my dog, hanging out with my dog, going to the beach, reading, snowboarding, cooking and binge-watching Netflix.
Jenny: Anything else?
Sam: I’m really proud to be a part of 3DHEALS. It’s one of my favorite things to talk about.  
