Fun conversation with Michael Peirone and Kelly Knight from Victoria Hand Project with technical demos and economic discussion on how 3D printed prosthetics can change the lives of upper Limb amputees and the world we live in. VHP has helped over 200 amputees worldwide and this year, they aim to help more North American patients.
Michael Peirone graduated from the University of Victoria in 2016 with a B.Eng in Biomedical Engineering. During his undergraduate degree, Michael completed two internships with Victoria Hand Project (VHP) and volunteered with VHP during his in-class semesters. Upon graduating, he began working with VHP full-time as a mechanical designer. Now as Chief Operating Officer, Michael runs the day-to-day operations of the Victoria Hand Project. This includes working with the teams in the partner countries, overseeing design updates on the scoliosis braces and prosthetic arms, and fundraising.
Kelly Knights is a fourth-year biomedical engineering student at the University of Victoria who has been volunteering with the Victoria Hand Project since September 2016. Kelly completed a co-op work term with the Victoria Hand project in Fall 2018, where she assisted with the design, development, and testing of the new Force Doubler device and the Child’s Hand. Kelly has also been involved with media outreach, the creation of training documentation, and the assembly of the Victoria Hand.
Relevant links:
Victoria Hand Project
IG Live recording