Interview: Dr. Shi Jun (史俊), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, China

史俊,副主任医师/副教授/医学博士,上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院。 中华口腔医学会口腔颌面外科专科会员,中华口腔医学会口腔种植专科会员,上海市口腔医学会口腔颌面外科专业委员会青年委员,国际内固定协会(AO/ASIF)会员,国际内固定协会(AO/ASIF)亚太地区讲师1993年9月至2000年7月就读于于上海交通大学医学院(原上海第二医科大学),毕业后获口腔医学硕士学位。其后于上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔颌面外科工作至今,主要从事口腔颌面部畸形的治疗的临床和科研工作。2003年9月至2006年6月,于上海交通大学医院原攻读口腔临床医学博士学位,师从中国工程院院士邱蔚六教授; 2008年赴德国Hannover大学进修。
史俊医师在口腔颌面部畸形的治疗和研究中具丰富工作经历,同时在应用医学图像分割、三维重建、口腔颌面外科手术导航等领域积累了丰富的研究经验。目前已发表第一作者论文11篇,参编著作3部。 主持上海市局级科研项目2项,国家教育部科研项目1项。
Shi Jun, Deputy Chief Physician/Associate Professor/Medical Doctor, Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Member of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the Chinese Stomatological Association, member of the Oral Implantology Specialist of the Chinese Stomatological Association, Young Member of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Committee of the Shanghai Stomatological Association, Member of the International Association of Internal Fixation (AO/ASIF), International Association of Internal Fixation ( AO/ASIF) Asia-Pacific lecturer studied at Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine from September 1993 to July 2000 (formerly Shanghai Second Medical University) and obtained a master’s degree in stomatology after graduation. Later, he worked in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Ninth People’s Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. He is mainly engaged in the clinical and scientific research of the treatment of oral and maxillofacial deformities. From September 2003 to June 2006, he studied for a doctoral degree in oral clinical medicine at Shanghai Jiaotong University Hospital. He studied under Professor Qiu Weiliu of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In 2008, he went to Hannover University in Germany for further study. Dr. Shi Jun has a wealth of work experience in the treatment and research of oral and maxillofacial deformities and has accumulated rich research experience in the fields of medical image segmentation, three-dimensional reconstruction, oral and maxillofacial surgery navigation. At present, 11 first author papers have been published and 3 books have been edited. He has presided over 2 Shanghai-level scientific research projects and 1 research project of the Ministry of Education.

Dr. Shi Jun will be a speaker at the Shanghai event!

Jenny: 您第一次接触3D打印是什么时候?在什么情况下?那一刻的感受是什么?
When was the first time you touched 3D printing? under what conditions? What was the feeling at that moment?
Dr. Shi: 2003,一个复杂的面部外伤畸形病例,打印了一个纸质的头颅。立体影刷啊,很厉害的样子,跟传统的平面打印不一样哦。A new era begins. 但是,打印出来的stuff只能看看,临床的作用还不大。
Dr. Shi: In 2003, We 3D- printed a paper skull for a complex case of facial trauma. The three-dimensional structure is very impressive visually, and definitely not the same as traditional flat print. A new era begins. However, the 3d-printed models can only be used as a visual tool, the clinical role was not significant.
Jenny: 是什么因素促使您开始研究或从事3D打印(生物制造/生物打印)?
What prompted you to start research or engage in 3D printing (biological manufacturing/bioprinting)?

Dr. Shi: 博士课题开始于2004年初,做得是FEA。课题组的合作伙伴后来主要研发三维打印材料和工艺,并有了共同的科研小组。
Dr. Shi: I started my Ph.D. program in early 2004 and was done as FEA. The team’s partners later developed three-dimensional printed materials and processes, and a collaborative research team.
Jenny: 在从事3D打印(生物打印/生物制造)的过程中,谁对您的影响最大?是导师、病人、名人,还是其他人?您可以说出一个或多个。
Who is most affected by you in the process of 3D printing (biological printing / bio-manufacturing)? Is it a mentor, a patient, a celebrity, or someone else? You can say one or more.

Dr. Shi: 合作伙伴。姜闻博博士。
Dr. Shi:  Partners. Dr. Jiang Wenbo.
Jenny: 激励您从事3D打印的因素是什么?
What are the factors that motivate you to engage in 3D printing?

Dr. Shi: 发展越来越快,越来越能贴近临床应用,并获得良好的疗效。
Dr. Shi: The development of 3D printing technology is getting faster and faster, and there are more and more clinical applications with better clinical results.
Jenny: 您工作中最大的障碍是什么?如果您已经克服了这些障碍,您用的是什么方法?
What is the biggest obstacle in your work? If you have overcome these obstacles, what method do you use?

Dr. Shi: 无法合法合规的应用打印的医疗器械。貌似无法克服。
Dr. Shi:  A Lack of standardization and regulation to properly produce 3D-printed medical devices. We have not overcome that barrier. 
Jenny: 您认为“3D打印/生物打印”的最大挑战是什么?应对这些挑战的潜在解决方案是什么?
What do you think is the biggest challenge of “3D printing / bio-printing”? What are the potential solutions to these challenges?
Dr. Shi: 生物打印方面,理想的打印体系研发很重要。材料科学的快递进步和创新很重要。
Dr. Shi: In terms of bioprinting, the development of an ideal bioprinting process is very important. Faster material science innovation in this area is very important.
Jenny: 如果您有机会通过一个巨大的广告牌,向我们这个行业(如:医疗3D打印和生物制造)的数百万人,甚至数亿人宣传一个理念,您会在这个广告牌上写一条什么样的信息?
If you have the opportunity to promote a concept to millions of people in our industry (eg medical 3D printing and bio-manufacturing) through a huge billboard, what would you write on this billboard? Information?

Dr. Shi: Expand your touch via tech.
Jenny: 您职业生涯中曾遭遇的最大风险是什么?
What is the biggest risk you have encountered in your career?

Dr. Shi: 医患关系在遭遇医疗意外时的脆弱

Dr. Shi: The fragile relationship between doctors and patients in the event of a medical accident.
Jenny: 您的业余爱好是什么?在您的工作/3D打印之外,您对什么最有兴趣?
What is your hobby? What are you most interested in outside of your work/3D printing?
Dr. Shi: 业余爱好学习佛法;人工智能和机器人技术在整形领域中的开拓。
Dr. Shi: Learn Dharma; the development of artificial intelligence and robotics in the field of plastic surgery.
Jenny: 您的人生格言是什么?为什么?
What is your life motto? why?
Dr Shi: 色即是空,空即是色。不为什么。
Dr Shi: “Color is empty, empty is color. No reason.” (Buddhist philosophy)
