Interview: Dr. Mayra Torres Vasques, Sao Paulo, Brazil

“I was missing an engaged community about 3D technology in health in Brazil; being a 3DHEALS community manager gives me the opportunity to promote this environment in my location.”
Community: Sao Paulo/Brazil

3DHEALS members can get in touch with:  Dr. Mayra Torres Vasques here

Jenny: What is one quote that represents you?
Mayra: “Create the things you wish existed”
Jenny: Tell us a little about yourself. (Where are you from originally? Where are you located? What are you working on?)
Mayra: I was born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil where I work as a dentist. Since 2015 I´m in a Ph.D. Program working with 3D printing for patients with temporomandibular disorders at University of Sao Paulo
Jenny: What made you decide to become a 3DHEALS community manager?
Mayra: I was missing an engaged community about 3D technology in health in Brazil; being a 3DHEALS community manager gives me the opportunity to promote this environment in my location.
Jenny: What do you think of innovations in healthcare 3D printing or bioprinting? What do you hope to see in the next five years? 10 years?
Mayra: I have been working on it for the last 4 years and so many things changed during this period that it´s hard for me to imagine how things are going to be in the next years. What I´m pretty sure about in 3Dprinting and bioprinting is that it will keep revolutionizing the healthcare.
Jenny: Who would you like to find and to include in the 3DHEALS community you are building?
Mayra: I would love to keep finding people that share their knowledge and passion about applying 3D technologies in healthcare.
Jenny: What would you like to accomplish with this new 3DHEALS community in the future?
Mayra: My goal is to start a community in Brazil and connect this community with others all around the world.
Jenny: What do you think about the innovation environment (for health tech or for general technology) in your city? What can be done to improve it?
Mayra: Despite being one of the biggest cities in the world, full of good opportunities, there is a lack of development in health tech comparing to other exponent cities in the world. To invest in knowledge and education is the key to move people to develop this area.
Jenny: What are you most proud of about your city?
Mayra: I love Sao Paulo, It is a lively city, full of people, opportunities, and great places to visit     
Jenny: What do you do for fun?
Mayra: I love to hang out with friends and family.
Jenny: Anything else?
Mayra: I´m pretty happy with this opportunity to join the tribe!
