“Failure is not something to be feared but embraced. It is a step on the path of success.”
Dr. José Morey, MD is a Senior Medical Scientist with IBM Watson Project and a Radiologists for the US Department of Veterans Affairs where he directs nationwide implementation of technology advancement and innovation as a part of the Field-Based Health Informatics Leadership Council. Dr. Morey also advises NASA iTech in the field of future medical and life sciences technologies that will lead humanity to Mars via the NASA iTech initiative. He holds an adjunct professorship of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University of Virginia, is a professor of Internal Medicine at the Eastern Virginia Medical School. He has authored or co-authored over 40 original papers, book chapters and abstracts covering his fields of expertise which entail: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Prescriptive Analytics, Cognitive Decision Support Tools, Business Development and Research. Dr. Morey has given numerous lectures by invitation including to the Radiologic Society of North America, the Chinese Medical Association and the Senate of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Dr. Morey will be a speaker at #3DHEALS2017.
Q: What is your vision on the intersection of 3D Printing and healthcare?
A: A world in which we can store our stem cells for future use to repair and replace things as needed.
Q: What is the biggest potential impact you see 3D printing (or bioprinting) having on the healthcare industry?
A: There are so many from improved surgical outcomes to reduced costs. The one I get most excited about is in transplants, regenerative medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Another exciting one is the impact on our becoming an exospecies and deep space travel beyond LEO (Low Earth Orbit).
Q: What challenges do you see arising in implementing 3D printing (or bioprinting) in healthcare sector in the next 5 years?
A: Standardized workflows, regulation, reimbursement.
Q: What is the best business lesson you have learned?
A: Failure is not something to be feared but embraced. It is a step on the path of success.
Q: What is the biggest business risk you have taken?
A: This is relative. Tough to pick.