Danjun Ma, Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Assistant Professor, Director of the Proteomics Laboratory at Wayne State University, USA. In 2016, Dr. Ma returned to China to establish Qingzi Biotechnology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., and in 2017, he was funded by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Commission International Cooperation Project. The key technology research and development of piezoelectric ceramic materials additive manufacturing). To be selected “the Shenzhen Peacock Talent Program”, and as the “Shanghai Pasteur Kirin Zhongchuang Space” entrepreneurial mentor in 2018. Dr. Ma has published more than 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals and submitted 8 patent application.
Dr. Danjun Ma will be a speaker at the Shanghai event!
Jenny: 您第一次接触3D打印是什么时候?在什么情况下?那一刻的感受是什么?
When was the first time you touched 3D printing? under what conditions? What was the feeling at that moment?
Danjun: 2015年,参观深圳的3D打印创业公司,感受是新鲜,好玩。
In 2015, I visited the 3D printing startup company in Shenzhen. It was new and fun.
Jenny: 是什么因素促使您开始研究或从事3D打印(生物制造/生物打印)?
What prompted you to start research or engage in 3D printing (biological manufacturing/bioprinting)?
Danjun: 在生物系统中有一些复杂的东西是不容易实现的,例如一些植入物,支架等等。但是3D打印有可能比较容易的实现。
Danjun: There are some very complex biological systems that are not easy to replicate or design for, such as implants, stents, and the like. But 3D printing may it easier to implement.
Jenny: 在从事3D打印(生物打印/生物制造)的过程中,谁对您的影响最大?是导师、病人、名人,还是其他人?您可以说出一个或多个。
Who is most affected by you in the process of 3D printing (biological printing / bio-manufacturing)? Is it a mentor, a patient, a celebrity, or someone else? You can say one or more.
Danjun: 更多的是看文献。
Danjun: I learned the most from the works of literature.
Jenny: 激励您从事3D打印的因素是什么?
What are the factors that motivate you to engage in 3D printing?
Danjun: 能对传统的生物医学的研究有帮助。
Danjun: It can help with traditional biomedical research.
Jenny: 您工作中最大的障碍是什么?如果您已经克服了这些障碍,您用的是什么方法?
What is the biggest obstacle in your work? If you have overcome these obstacles, what method do you use?
Danjun: 技术手段还是比较单一。
Danjun: The technical means are still relatively monolithic.
Jenny: 您认为“3D打印/生物打印”的最大挑战是什么?应对这些挑战的潜在解决方案是什么?
What do you think is the biggest challenge of “3D printing / bio-printing”? What are the potential solutions to these challenges?
Danjun: 具有功能的类器官或大器官的打印。更好的,更多的交叉研究,将3D技术手段和生物学结合,现在从事这个方面的工作还是太初级。
Danjun: Printing of functional organs or large organs. Better, more cross-disciplinary research, combining 3D technology with biology. The current works in this area are still too primitive.
Jenny: 针对“现实生活”,您给大学生的建议是什么?您觉得什么样的建议是不可取的,是他们不应采纳的?
What are your suggestions for college students for “real life”? What kind of advice do you think is not advisable, they should not adopt it?
Danjun: 多尝试,不要被学科束缚,未来大概率属于懂得更多学科的交叉型人才。
Danjun: Try more, don’t be bound by the discipline, and the big probability in the future belongs to the cross-discipline talents who are not monolithic.
Jenny: 如果您有机会通过一个巨大的广告牌,向我们这个行业(如:医疗3D打印和生物制造)的数百万人,甚至数亿人宣传一个理念,您会在这个广告牌上写一条什么样的信息?
If you have the opportunity to promote a concept to millions of people in our industry (eg medical 3D printing and bio-manufacturing) through a huge billboard, what would you write on this billboard? Information?
Danjun: 生物制造在未来的场景吧。那个场景应该很震撼。应该拍一个在未来的短片。
Danjun: Bio-manufacturing in the future. That scene should be impressive. You should take a short film in the future.
Jenny: 您职业生涯中曾遭遇的最大风险是什么?
What is the biggest risk you have encountered in your career?
Danjun: 最大的风险总是在明天。
Danjun: The biggest risk is always tomorrow.
Jenny: 您的业余爱好是什么?在您的工作/3D打印之外,您对什么最有兴趣?
What is your hobby? What are you most interested in outside of your work/3D printing?
Danjun: 旅行,锻炼。工作之余陪家人最重要。
Danjun: Travel, exercise. It is most important to spend time with your family after work.
Jenny: 您的人生格言是什么?为什么?
What is your life motto? why?
Danjun: 没有人生格言。有道理的话太多。
Danjun: There is no life motto. There are too many wise words out there.