3D Printed Drug Delivering Medical Devices

In this week’s issue of “From Academia”, we share with you three recent publications all focusing on 3D printed drug delivering medical devices that can be personalized. The first article presented the design and effectiveness of an antibiotics-loaded 3D printed personalized hearing aid. The second article presented five different 3D printing designs of biodegradable subcutaneous implants for drug delivery. The final article focuses on designing calcium phosphate-based bone scaffold that also has a controllable antimicrobial function.

From Academia” features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications. Subjects include but not limited to healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

Email: Rance Tino (info@3dheals.com) if you want to share relevant academic publications with us.

Anti-biofilm multi drug-loaded 3D printed hearing aids

Authored by María Vivero-Lopez, Xiaoyan Xu, Andrea Muras, Ana Oteroc Angel Concheiro, Simon Gaisford, Abdul W. Basit, Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo, Alvaro Goyanes. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 1 February 2020

Development of a Biodegradable Subcutaneous Implant for Prolonged Drug Delivery Using 3D Printing

Authored by Sarah A. Stewart, Juan Domínguez-Robles , Victoria J. McIlorum ,Elena Mancuso, Dimitrios A. Lamprou,Ryan F. Donnelly and Eneko Larrañeta. MDPI Pharmaceutics. 30 December 2019 

3D printing of calcium phosphate scaffolds with controlled release of antibacterial functions for jaw bone repair

Authored by Huan Sun, Cheng Hu, Changchun Zhou, Lina Wu, Jianxun Sun, Xuedong Zhou, Fei Xing, Cheng Long, Qingquan Kong, Jie Liang, Yujiang Fan, Xingdong Zhang. Materials & Design. April 2020

3D Printing Ceramic Implants

3D Bioprinting Knee, Aneurysm Model, 3D Organization Using Microfluidics

3D Printing Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery Devices

3D Bioprinting The Heart & Cardiovascular System

Machine Learning in 3D Printing and Bioprinting, a Collection of Recent Publications

3DHEALS Guides (Collective) – This is where we dive deep into subjects that you will find helpful for your projects and career.

3DEALS Expert Corner (Collective) – This is where we invite field experts to write their perspectives in a first-person narrative. To write for this column, please email: info@3dheals.com

3DHEALS From Academia (Collective) – This section features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications in the space of healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

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