Point of care 3D printing is becoming one of the biggest attractions in adopting 3D printing in healthcare systems because it demonstrates the ability to decentralize manufacturing personalized medical devices. The medical devices can range from anatomical modeling, and implants, to surgical guides based on the latest updates from all over the world. However, for companies interested in expanding markets either locally or regionally, understanding the complex relationships among different players and regulations are critical.
At the end of 2021, the FDA published its discussion paper on the subject, inviting the public to submit comments so that more clarifying regulatory guidance can be created.
Ido Bitan

Ido Bitan is a Product Manager in Stratasys’s Medical Solutions Department. Mr. Bitan received a Bachelor of Science in biomedical engineering from Beer Sheva University in Israel. Mr. Bitan began his career at a start-up company, where he worked as part of the Research & Development team to develop new cancer-detecting equipment that assists surgeons in the operating room. Mr. Bitan has helped establish Stratasys’s adaption to the medical industry, leading the development of the Digital Anatomy Printer, Digital Anatomy Creator, and many more of the accompanying materials and software features. The Medical Department at Stratasys continues to push the boundaries of technology to improve patient care worldwide, and Mr. Bitan is passionate about improving the healthcare system to ensure better outcomes for any patient.
Martin Herzmann

Martin Herzmann started his medtech career in 1999 at Brainlab Headquarter in Germany. After wworking positions in Sales, Product Management and Business Development, he joined Ziehm Imaging in 2007 and worked for another eight years as Marketing Director for medical capital equipment. In 2015, he joined the Materialise and transformed his past experiences into medical 3D printing. In 2019, Martin joined Kumovis as Business Development Manager. The company enables medical device companies and hospitals to manufacture 3D printed implants, instruments and guides following regulatory standards and norms. Kumovis has a clear focus on medical 3D printing with high-performance polymers and biodegradable polymers. With the merger of Kumovis and 3D Systems in April 2022 Martin now can focus even more on additive manufacturing at Point-of-Care and accelerates the global implementation of clinical applications such as cranial implants printed in PEEK.
Kerim Genc

Kerim Genc is the Business Development Manager for the Simpleware Product Group at Synopsys. He joined Simpleware in 2011 as a Technical Sales Consultant and is currently responsible for managing global sales, business development and partnerships. He received his BS and MS in biomechanics from the University of Calgary and the Pennsylvania State University respectively and completed his PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University looking at countermeasures to spaceflight induced bone loss and fracture risk.
Silvina Zabala-Travers

– MD and Radiologist Degree from Universidad de la República (UdelaR) in Uruguay – 3D training at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital 3D Lab (Expert3D and internship) in Barcelona, Spain Dr Zabala-Travers introduced 3D technologies to the academic medical field in Uruguay in 2019 and has since pioneered its development with particular interest in training radiologists to be part of the workflow to ensure process precision. She founded and leads the Surgical Virtual Planning and 3D Printing Area at the Radiology Department Pereira Rossell Hospital Center, a state and university laboratory for the application of 3D technologies in diagnostics, surgical virtual planning, clinical simulation and education for pediatric and adult patients. She recently teamed-up with a custom-implant manufacturer to co-found UPGRADE Medicals, a healthcare 3D-technology start-up which provides anatomical biomodels, virtual planning with surgical guide design and custom implant in metal, PEEK and bioabsorbable materials. She is invited professor at the Expert3D course and has given many conferences sharing her experience implementing a hospital 3D lab in a low-resource facility, as well as hands-on training on segmentation, biomodeling and virtual planning for bioengineers and surgical specialists. She presides the Latin American Society of Pediatric Radiology (SLARP) New Technologies Committee, a network for the implementation of 3D technologies in Latin American countries. She also works as Radiology Section Editor for the Elsevier Journal Annals of 3D Printed Medicine, currently Guest Editor for the Special Issue “Virtual Planning and Personalized Medicine”.
Dr. Jenny Chen

Dr. Jenny Chen is trained as a neuroradiologist, founder/CEO of 3DHEALS. Her main interests include next generation education, 3D printing in the healthcare sector, automated biology, artificial intelligence. She is an angel investor who invests in Pitch3D companies.
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