About 3DHEALS Company Directory:

3DHEALS updates this collection of public and private companies, government and non-government institutions, and any relevant research organizations in healthcare 3D printing, bioprinting, AR/VR, 3D technologies, on a weekly basis. Access to this directory is free to 3DHEALS Premium and Enterprise members. 


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VoxCell BioInnovation

VoxCell is a tissue engineering company responsible for an extraordinary line of Truly Biomimetic solutions for the drug development industry and the field of Oncology research by creating vascularized cancer tissue models.

Headquarters Victoria BC CA
Categories: Bioprinting /Biofabrication, Pitch3D
CEO: Dr. Karolina Valente Phone: 778-587-9955


Utilizing a passionate and talented team, VoxCell is providing an extraordinary line of Truly Biomimetic solutions for the drug development industry and the field of Oncology research,  by creating 3D vascularized cancer tissue models. Our 3D Bioprinter uses a state of the art laser with a process that crosslinks bioink with extreme precision, producing incredible high resolution 3D bioprinted tissues. Combined with our proprietary software, we are able to print tissues with vasculature for more meaningful in vitro testing. This process occurs only at the focal point of the laser (the voxel, hence VoxCell), allowing for printing anywhere in the polymer, including within structures, unlike traditional extrusion based 3D bioprinters.

Our tissue models will increase confidence in new drug candidates, decrease the failure rate (currently more than 95% of drugs in the pipeline fail), and impact the speed for new therapies to get to market. The successful translation between pre-clinical trial data and clinical trial results is less than 8% and we are on a mission to change that.

Testing on truly biomimetic tissues will provide better data to identify and eliminate unsuccessful drug candidates sooner, increasing the throughput and reducing the volume and cost of animal and human testing, ultimately getting life saving therapies to market and in the hands of people who need them sooner.