3D Bioprinting Knee, Aneurysm Model, 3D Organization Using Microfluidics

In this week’s “From Academia”, we share with you three articles related to recent advancements in 3D bioprinting is presented. The first article highlights new ways to bioprint fibrocartilaginous tissues, such as those found in the knee joint, with improvements in both mechanical and structural integrity. The second article features an in vitro aneurysm simulation model, with improved simulation to the cellular environment and components of the in vivo version. The final publication features a novel tissue manufacturing process (3D Organization) using open volume microfluidics and multiple cell lines.

From Academia” features recent, relevant, close to commercialization academic publications. Subjects include but not limited to healthcare 3D printing, 3D bioprinting, and related emerging technologies.

Email: Rance Tino (info@3dheals.com) if you want to share relevant academic publications with us.

3D Bioprinted Highly Elastic Hybrid Constructs for Advanced Fibrocartilaginous Tissue Regeneration

Authored by João B. Costa, Jihoon Park, Adam M. Jorgensen, Joana Silva-Correia, Rui L. Reis, Joaquim M. Oliveira, Anthony Atala, James J. Yoo, and Sang Jin Lee. Chemistry of Materials. 25 September 2020

Three-dimensional bioprinting of aneurysm-bearing tissue structure for endovascular deployment of embolization coils

Authored by Lindy K Jang, Javier A Alvarado, Marianna Pepona, Elisa M Wasson, Landon D Nash, Jason M Ortega, Amanda Randles, Duncan J Maitland, Monica L Moya and William F Hynes. Biofabrication. 16 October 2020 

3D micro-organisation printing of mammalian cells to generate biological tissues

Authored by Gavin D. M. Jeffries, Shijun Xu, Tatsiana Lobovkina, Vladimir Kirejev, Florian Tusseau, Christoffer Gyllensten, Avadhesh Kumar Singh, Paul Karila, Lydia Moll & Owe Orwar. Nature, Scientific Reports. 10 November 2020

From 3D Printing to VR/AR: Simple Connection?

3D Printing Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery Devices

3D Bioprinting The Heart & Cardiovascular System

Machine Learning in 3D Printing and Bioprinting, a Collection of Recent Publications

3D Printing for Neurosurgery Training, Vat Photopolymerization, soft robotic microsystem

Open-Source 3D printed Medical Devices and New Sensor for COVID

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